Beginner Series

We offer Beginner Series several times/year. These are typically 4-6 weeks in length. They are active/dynamically paced classes appropriate for active students wanting to get started with a yoga practice. Progressive series designed for beginners and continuing beginners, those new to Iyengar Yoga, or those wanting to reinforce their foundation. Build their strength, flexibility and stamina by developing confidence with basic standing, seated and twisting poses.

Level I – Two Options

Level I – Active

Iyengar Level I – for 50+

An active and dynamic class. Good for beginning students to build stamina, strength as well as flexibility. Students are introduced to foundational standing, seated, twisting, back bending and beginner inverted poses in a progressive format. Inversions such as shoulder stand are taught, headstand is introduced and alternatives offered.

Moderate paced, active class aims to develop a solid foundation in Iyengar yoga. Great for those new(er) to the practice or simply wanting to stick with the basics. Students will learn how to warm up and prepare a stiff or older body, how to modify practice for their needs, and how to progress in a thoughtful and safe way for their unique bodies. Inversions such as shoulder stand and bridge pose are taught and students learn how to use props to support their practice.

Iyengar – Level I & II

This class is a dynamic class appropriate for students that like to be challenged in a good way.  Taught in a progressive format and is a bridge between Level 1 & 2 classes.  Appropriate for students who attend regularly, have experience with foundational standing poses and are ready to begin exploring more intermediate poses. Shoulderstand and its variations are taught as well as headstand.  (with alternatives for those unable to do because of injuries or contraindications).

Iyengar Intermediate/Level II

For those with solid Iyengar Yoga experience. Intermediate classes focus on refining basic postures and introducing new poses. Students should have a regular practice of shoulder stand and headstand. All categories of poses are taught including shoulder stand and headstand as well as their variations, intermediate backbending poses, forward extensions. Arm balances are introduced. This class is appropriate if you know how to set up props for shoulder stand, and practice headstand or its alternatives.

Yoga for Healthy Bones

Bones are dynamic living tissue that are continually building, shifting, breaking down and rebuilding in response to physical stimulus and our mental/emotional states. Osteoporosis, literally porous bone, is a disease characterized by low bone mass and a deterioration of the architecture of bone tissue.

Yoga, when practiced with awareness, provides a positive stress that stimulates bone remodeling and improves the absorption of calcium. Classes include a well rounded practice of poses that enhance the musculoskeletal and endocrine systems which are vital in bone growth.


These classes are offered as a short series. Participants must have 1-year experience and regular attendance in other weekly classes.

Pranayama is one of the 8 limbs of yoga. Prana is translated as breath, energy and life force. Cultivating awareness and refining the breath can lead to a positive presence to the rest of our day – from how we approach our work, daily tasks and how we relate to ourselves and others.